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BEC Committee

Code CEB-BEC 20
Description To prepare international standards for the design, testing and end-use recommendations (including current ratings) for insulated electrical power and control cables, their accessories and cable systems, for use in wiring and in power generation, distribution and transmission.
English placeholder ceb_main CEB-BEC 20 - Electric cables (high-voltage and low-voltage) (full committee)
English placeholder clc_main CLC TC 20 - ELECTRIC CABLES
English placeholder iec_main TC 20 - ELECTRIC CABLES (HIGH-VOLTAGE AND LOW-VOLTAGE)
Situation Actual
Monsieur POLART Jules  -  - 064 / 45 16 83

NBN C 30-004/ed. 4
NBN C 30-005:2020
NBN EN 61034-1:2005/A2:2020
NBN EN 61034-2:2005/A2:2020