Publication details
Publication CODE |
Title |
NBN EN IEC 62282-2-100:2020 (2020-06) |
Price Excl. VAT |
Total number of pages, tables and drawings |
25.00 €
4. |
IEC 62282-2-100:2020 provides safety related requirements for construction, operation under normal and abnormal conditions and the testing of fuel cell modules. This document deals with conditions that can yield hazards to persons and cause damage outside the fuel cell modules. Protection against damage inside the fuel cell modules is not addressed in this document, provided it does not lead to hazards outside the module. These requirements can be superseded by other standards for equipment containing fuel cell modules as required for particular applications.
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC 62282-2, published in 2012. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 622822:2012:
' update of definitions, in particular fuel cell module for normal operation;
' leakage values under normal and abnormal operation have been addressed;
' a delayed ignition test has been included;
' protective measures to limit gas leakage have been included;
' the requirements for insulation between live parts and SELV have been updated;
' the general safety strategy has been modified to reflect the needs for different application standards; the modifications are in line with similar modifications made to IEC 62282-3-100;
' the electrical components clause has been modified to reflect the needs for different application standards; the modifications are in line with similar modifications made to IEC 62282-3-100;
' protective earthing as part of the module or bonding as a measure within the installation has been introduced;
' a dielectric strength test has been completely updated by referring to IEC 62744-1 for voltages up to 1 000 V AC/1 500 V DC;
' a new 'pressure drop method' leakage test method has been included;
' a new Annex addressing significant hazards, hazardous situations and events dealt with in this document, and linked to 4.1 (General safety strategy) has been added.
Class |
Available files
ATTENTION: Belgian registered standards (NBN EN or NBN HD) are generally
only available in English or French. Only the cover page is translated
and the document itself is in English or in French.
Very important notice: 98% of the text of the NBN EN 55XXX,
NBN EN 6XXXX comes from the IEC text which is NOT included.
This text can be ordered electronically on our website, but isn't available
via this link. Please contact the BEC if you want to buy this text and we'll
give you the appropriate link.
DE version
EN version
FR version
Status |
Registered trilingual Belgian standard EN or FR or DE |
Situation |
NBN EN 62282-2:2012
Committee |
CLC/SR 105
Fuel cell technologies
BEC Approval |
2020-06-11 |
NBN Approval |
2020-07-15 |
ICS-Code (International Standards Classification) |
NBN Status |
New |
Date of ratification (d.o.r.) |
2020-06-11 |
Date of availability (d.a.v.) |
2020-06-19 |
Date of announcement (d.o.a.) |
2020-09-11 |
Date of publication (d.o.p.) |
2021-03-11 |
Date of withdrawal former edition (d.o.w.) |
2023-06-11 |
Correspondences with international standards
Relation |
International standard |
Date |
is identical to |
EN IEC 62282-2-100:2020
2020-06-19 |
is identical to |
IEC 62282-2-100:201X
Relations to belgian/foreign publications
Type |
Origin |
Code |
Date |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60079-10-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60204-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60335-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60352 series |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60512-15 series |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60512-16 series |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60695-1 series |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 60730-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 61010-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 61508 series |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 62061 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN 62282-4-101 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN IEC 61204-7 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN IEC 62040-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN IEC 62368-1 |
Standard |
Belgium |
EN ISO 13849-1 |
Standard |
Foreign |
IEC 60529 |
Standard |
Foreign |
IEC 60617 |
Standard |
Foreign |
ISO 23550 |
Standard |
Belgium |
NBN EN 62477-1:2012 |