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1.1 Product definition This European Standard covers wall outlets for up to 4 SC foot-print adapters. Various connector types (e.g. SC, LC) can be implemented as long as the adapter fits in the SC foot-print dimensions. A Wall Outlet is the passive end connection point of a fixed Single Mode fibre based FTTH network to the flexible network of service unit (CPE, ONT) indoor. Products defined by IEV 442-08-02 or IEV 723-09-22 can be considered as Wall Outlets. SI or ENTI are not part of this wall outlet specification. This specification also covers the possibility of using hybrid (fibre/copper) wall outlets with 1 RJ-45 footprint. Performance of copper cabling and connectivity is not in the scope of this document, but should be verified in line with EN 50346. Wall outlets are placed in end user premises by installers and the contents are not intended to be user accessible. Wall outlets may be mounted using a number of techniques: surface mounted on a wall, patress boxes, trunking or raceway; flush mounted or between cable trunking. Cable entry points vary with mounting method: surface mounted or flush mounted boxes may require large holes at the rear of the wall outlet for cable entry requiring little or no strain relief, whereas boxes with cable entry visible to the end user will need cable sealing and strain relief. Wall outlets covered in the product specification will include a fibre management system (FMS) for managing the incoming cables or fibres. The FMS may include trays for splicing pigtails to incoming cable/fibre. This European Standard contains the initial, start of life dimensional, optical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements of an optical fibre wall outlet, in order for it to be categorized as an European Standard product. 1.2 Operating environment The tests selected combined with the severity and duration is representative of indoor environments defined by: EN 61753-1 category C Controlled environment 1.3 Reliability Whilst the anticipated service life expectancy of the product in this environment is 20 years, compliance with this specification does not guarantee the reliability of the product. This should be predicted using a recognized reliability assessment programme. 1.4 Quality assurance Compliance with this specification does not guarantee the manufacturing consistency of the product. This should be maintained using a recognized quality assurance programme. 1.5 Allowed fibre and cable types All EN 60793-2-50 fibres can be stored in the Terminal Equipment Box with a minimum storage radius of 20 mm (up to a storage length of maximum 2 m). Smaller storage radii down to 15 mm are possible with the EN 60793-2-50 B6A fibre types, but in this case the reduction in mechanical reliability should be taken into account (see Annex A). If hybrid cable is used then only the fibre portion is considered in this product specification.
Class  C
Available files
ATTENTION: Belgian registered standards (NBN EN or NBN HD) are generally only available in English or French. Only the cover page is translated and the document itself is in English or in French.

EN version
Status Registered trilingual Belgian standard EN or FR or DE
Situation Currently active
Committee TC 86/SC 86B
Responsible Monsieur POLART Jules, Ingénieur
Chaussée de Brunehault, 380
Phone: 064 / 45 16 83
Fax: 064 / 45 16 83
BEC Approval 2015-06-15
NBN Approval 2016-02-26
Belgian Official Journal 2016-04-01
Registration 165901
ICS-Code (International Standards Classification) 33.180.20
NBN Status New
Date of ratification (d.o.r.) 2015-06-15
Date of availability (d.a.v.) 2015-12-11
Date of announcement (d.o.a.) 2016-03-11
Date of publication (d.o.p.) 2016-06-11
Date of withdrawal former edition (d.o.w.) 2018-06-15
Correspondences with international standards
Relation International standard Date
is identical to EN 50411-3-5:2015 2015-12-11
Relations to belgian/foreign publications
Type Origin Code Date
Standard Belgium NBN C 20-529
Standard Belgium NBN EN 50377 SERIE
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60695-11-10
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60754-1
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60793-2-50
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60825-2
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61034-2
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-12:2009
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-1:2009
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-22
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-33
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-4
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-2-9
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-3-1
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-3-28
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61300-3-3:2009