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Publication details

Publication CODE Title
IEC White Paper Future Factory (2015-10) IEC WHITE PAPER - FACTORY OF THE FUTURE
Price Excl. VAT Total number of pages, tables and drawings
0.00 € 50 P..
The ultimate goal of the factory of the future is to interconnect every step of the manufacturing process. Factories are organizing unprecedented technical systems integration across domains, hierarchy, geographic boundaries, value chains and life cycle phases. This integration will only be a success if the technology is supported by global consensus-based International Standards. What will manufacturing look like in the future? How will humans and machines communicate with each other? Will our work environment adapt to our needs? Nimble, adaptive and intelligent manufacturing processes will be the measurement of success. The combination of 'virtual' and 'real' to gain a full view of the complete value chain will allow factories to make products more rapidly, more ef?ciently and with greater return, using fewer resources. To keep up with the rapid pace of advancing technology, manufacturers will need to invest in both digital technologies and highly skilled technical talent to reap the benefits offered by these fast-paced factories. This White Paper assesses the potential global needs, bene?ts, concepts and pre-conditions for the factory of the future. It identi?es the business trends in related technologies and markets and their impact on data, people, technologies and Standards. The White Paper was developed by the IEC Market Strategy Board (MSB) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA.
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Situation Currently active
Committee IEC unknown
This Committee is presently unknown
BEC Approval 2015-10-05
NBN Status New
IEC publication date 2015-10-05
IEC last modification date 2015-10-02