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Publication details

Publication CODE Title
Price Excl. VAT Total number of pages, tables and drawings
25.00 € 3 P..
Applies both to capacitor units and capacitor banks intended to be used connected in series with an a.c. transmission or distribution line or circuit forming part of an a.c. power system having a frequency of 15 Hz to 60 Hz. The primary focus of this standard is on transmission application. The series capacitor units and banks are usually intended for high-voltage power systems. This standard is applicable to the complete voltage range. This standard does not apply to capacitors of the self-healing metallized dielectric type. The following capacitors, even if connected in series with a circuit, are excluded from this standard: - capacitors for inductive heat-generating plants (IEC 60110-1); - capacitors for motor applications and the like (IEC 60252 (all parts)); - capacitors to be used in power electronics circuits (IEC 61071); - capacitors for discharge lamps (IEC 61048 and IEC 61049). For standard types of accessories such as insulators, switches, instrument transformers, external fuses, etc. see the pertinent IEC standard. The object of this standard is: - to formulate uniform rules regarding performance, testing and rating; - to formulate specific safety rules; - to serve as a guide for installation and operation. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The main change with respect to the previous edition is that the endurance test has been replaced by an ageing test because voltage cycling is already performed in the cold duty test. The guide section has been expanded regarding long line correction and altitude correction. In addition the insulation tables and references to other standards have been updated. Keywords: a.c. transmission or distribution line, capacitor units and banks for high-voltage power systems .
Class  C
Available files
ATTENTION: Belgian registered standards (NBN EN or NBN HD) are generally only available in English or French. Only the cover page is translated and the document itself is in English or in French.

Very important notice: 98% of the text of the NBN EN 55XXX, NBN EN 6XXXX comes from the IEC text which is NOT included. This text can be ordered here: IEC 60143-1:2015. For the series NBN EN 50XXX, the standards are however complete.

DE version
EN version
FR version
Status Registered trilingual Belgian standard EN or FR or DE
Situation Currently active
Replaces  NBN EN 60143-1:2004
Committee TC 33
Responsible Ir DELENS Marc
BEC Approval 2015-07-30
NBN Approval 2015-09-18
Registration 165660
ICS-Code (International Standards Classification) 31.060.70
NBN Status New
Date of ratification (d.o.r.) 2015-10-16
Date of availability (d.a.v.) 2015-10-16
Date of announcement (d.o.a.) 2015-10-30
Date of publication (d.o.p.) 2016-04-30
Date of withdrawal former edition (d.o.w.) 2018-07-30
Correspondences with international standards
Relation International standard Date
is identical to EN 60143-1:2015 2015-08-28
is identical to IEC 60143-1:2015/ed. 5.0 2015-06-25
Relations to belgian/foreign publications
Type Origin Code Date
Standard Belgium EN 60060-2 1996-04-03
Standard Belgium HD 578 S1 1995-03-31
Standard Foreign IEC 60549 1976-01-01
Standard Foreign IEC 60721-2-6
Standard Foreign IEC 60815 1986-01-01
Standard Foreign IEC 60871-2 1999-01-01
Standard Foreign IEEE 693 1997-01-01
Standard Belgium NBN C 33-323 1991-05-10
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60071-1 1996-04-03
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60071-2 1997-02-12
Standard Foreign NBN EN 60110-1 1998-10-09
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60143-2 1995-05-09
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60143-3 1998-05-25
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60252-1 2001-12-04
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61048 1993-11-29
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61049 1993-11-29
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61071 serie