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Publication details

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25.00 € 3 P.
Gives electroacoustical performance specifications for three kinds of sound measuring instruments: - time-weighting sound level meters that measure exponential-time-weighted, frequency-weighted sound levels; - integrating-averaging sound level meters that measure time-averaged, frequency-weighted sound levels; and - integrating sound level meters that measure frequency-weighted sound exposure levels. Sound level meters specified in this standard are intended to measure sounds generally in the range of human hearing. Two performance categories, class 1 and class 2, are specified in this standard. Acceptance limits for class 2 are greater than, or equal to, those for class 1. This standard is applicable to a range of designs for sound level meters. A sound level meter may be a self-contained hand-held instrument with an attached microphone and a built-in display device. A sound level meter may be comprised of separate components in one or more enclosures and may be capable of displaying a variety of acoustical signal levels. Sound level meters may include extensive analogue or digital signal processing, separately or in combination, with multiple analogue and digital outputs. Sound level meters may include general-purpose computers, recorders, printers, and other devices that form a necessary part of the complete instrument. Sound level meters may be designed for use with an operator present or for automatic and continuous measurements of sound level without an operator present. Specifications in this standard for the response to sound waves apply without an operator present in the sound field. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2002. It constitutes a technical revision. In this second edition, conformance to specifications is demonstrated when measured deviations from design goals do not exceed the applicable acceptance limits, and when the uncertainty of measurement does not exceed the corresponding maximum-permitted uncertainty, with both uncertainties determined for a coverage probability of 95 %.
Available files
ATTENTION: Belgian registered standards (NBN EN or NBN HD) are generally only available in English or French. Only the cover page is translated and the document itself is in English or in French.

Very important notice: 98% of the text of the NBN EN 55XXX, NBN EN 6XXXX comes from the IEC text which is NOT included. This text can be ordered here: IEC 61672-1:2013. For the series NBN EN 50XXX, the standards are however complete.

DE version
EN version
FR version
Status Registered trilingual Belgian standard EN or FR or DE
Situation Currently active
Replaces  NBN EN 61672-1:2004
Committee TC 29
Responsible Ir DELENS Marc
BEC Approval 2013-11-04
NBN Approval 2014-01-31
Belgian Official Journal 2014-07-10
Registration 145344
Numbers identifying the european directives 2004/108/EC  (Electromagnetic compatibility (Ex 89/336/EEC))
ICS-Code (International Standards Classification) 17.140.50
NBN Status New
Date of ratification (d.o.r.) 2013-11-04
Date of availability (d.a.v.) 2013-12-13
Date of announcement (d.o.a.) 2014-02-04
Date of publication (d.o.p.) 2014-08-04
Date of withdrawal former edition (d.o.w.) 2016-11-04
Correspondences with international standards
Relation International standard Date
is identical to EN 61672-1:2013 2013-12-13
is identical to IEC 61672-1:2013/ed. 2.0 2013-09-30
Relations to belgian/foreign publications
Type Origin Code Date
Document Foreign ISO/IEC Guide 98-4
Document Foreign ISO/IEC Guide 99
Standard Belgium NBN EN 55016-1-1
Standard Belgium NBN EN 60942
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61000-4-2
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61000-6-2
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61094-6
Standard Belgium NBN EN 61183
Standard Belgium NBN EN 62585